Portuguese National airline offering flights to Sao Tome and Principe

Portuguese National airline offering flights to Sao Tome and Principe

Air Portugal announces that it has added nine new flight destinations to various African countries


New routes

The additional nine flights added by the Portuguese national carrier will target destinations of Luanda-Angola, Dakar-Senegal, Praia-Cape Verde and São Tomé over the summer. Three additional flights will be available per week to Luanda, Angola, in an effort to boost flight traffic between portugal and the African continent.

Between Portugal’s capital Lisbon and Praia in Cape Verde, the airline will also be offering three additional flights meaning an increase in the service of at least one flight per day.

“With this boost to links between Portugal and Africa, TAP continues with its focus on taking advantage of opportunities in markets with potential for growth”

says an official statement from the airline.

This operation of a daily flight to Cape Verde began on June 8 and is due to last until September 12 to satisfy demand for this route during the summer period. Between the July 23 and September 3 extra flights will be offered to Dakar on a weekly basis and between July 6 and September 14 an extra flight per week will be organized for destinations São Tomé and Principe.

Additional information can be viewed on the company’s website.

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